How many people really seek out your brand’s social media page? The answer may be more than you expect: According to a new report from researcher Ipsos OTX, as many as 54 percent of Millennials actually visit a company’s social media page for one reason or another. If social media has never traditionally been a focus of your multichannel marketing campaigns, now may be the time to rethink the channel’s involvement.

Worldwide, 45 percent of adults admitted to visiting a company’s social media page at least somewhat regularly. However, that number grows when researchers polled Millennials, which many brands consider the most highly coveted demographic. According to Ipsos, 54 percent of people under 35 have been to their favorite brands’ social media profiles and websites.

The 24-country survey suggests that social media appeal is essentially universal, with consumers in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France and a number of other regions all heading to social media pages. Ipsos does note that prospects have a variety of reasons for visiting social sites, such as entering contests, downloading coupons, gaining insight about products and services, learning more about brands and voicing their opinions.

The Importance of Social Media Branding

For the past few years, the value of social media has been questioned. After the launch of Facebook, many businesses questioned whether social media marketing was really providing a return on investment(ROI).

This mindset was frequently observed in how companies treated their social media efforts: Social campaigns were usually relegated to interns and new employees. As a result, the brand messaging was often inconsistent with the rest of their promotional efforts.

Brand management is important, regardless of whether companies are launching a national television commercial or designing a social media page. When businesses don’t value brand management the same at all levels, they open themselves up to creating an in-congruent customer experience.

For example, if a company redesigns its website, but doesn’t stay up-to-date with its social media profile, consumers may lose confidence in that brand. Are they looking at the right Facebook profile? Or is the brand just too lazy to maintain consistency across all platforms? Either way, customers will come away confused and with a worse view of the organization in question. Regardless of whether brands are trying to convert new sales or encourage repeat business, customer perception is vital and inconsistent brand experiences reduce the chances of making sales.

Social media is a pivotal part of brand management, and companies need to remember this as they manage every component of their campaigns. A cohesive brand brings organizations one step closer to proving they are trustworthy organizations that care about how they appear, which in turn bolsters consumer confidence in that company.